The Chemistry of Life

Amsterdam Chemistry Network is a trusted network organization, standing out for everyone in the Metropolitan Area of Amsterdam interested in Chemistry for Sustainability. We are delighted to sense the growth of our vibrant community, leading us to expand to the field Life Sciences.

Last June, Dr Lays da Cruz has joined our team as a Business Developer, she will be dedicated to supporting businesses with interest in Chemistry for Life Sciences. Dr da Cruz is a biologist with background research in Genetics and Molecular Biology, she has five years of experience as a business developer in pharma and in life sciences. With close connections within the most prestigious knowledge institutes in Amsterdam (UvA and VU), she can make innovation reach much further.
The Life Science agenda at ACN will follow the values of our organization, we will bring Chemistry for Life Sciences to Amsterdam and beyond; provide the industry with access to research; provide researchers with access to industry; promote innovation by connecting people; facilitate collaborations; and make the whole ecosystem stronger.

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